Strategic Plan
Pittsburgh Urban Christian School in its strategic planning process for 2023-2025 created these goals through dialogue with teachers, parents, community partners and staff and board leadership to affirm the vital importance of Christ-centered education grounded in joy in learning, the education of the whole child and deep parental involvement.
The School Community & Culture:
To address the learning and social challenges from the COVID 19 pandemic by renewed focus on our mission and the whole child.
- Equip the school community to better resolve conflict and understand the impact of trauma on students.
- Improve communication with students and families by school administration and faculty.
- Where economically possible,
restore full portfolio of arts and outdoor education programs. - Renew service projects with the Wilkinsburg community and cultivate additional community partnerships as an integral part of the student experience.
- Re-engage with parents to build more active involvement and collaboration.
Teachers & Staff
Support teachers & staff with increased professional development opportunities, improved compensation and
upgraded facilities.
- Provide training on the support of special needs students and the recognition of student needs that exceed PUCS’ capacity to adequately address.
- Continue to increase teacher & staff compensation to meet industry standards and to reward excellent performance and commitment.
- Working with input from teachers & staff, build retention and succession plans.
- Continue to seek a more racially diverse faculty.
- Assure access to professional development opportunities and requirements.
Provide an economically stable and physically attractive environment in which the school and greater Wilkinsburg community can thrive:
- Plan for a comprehensive capital campaign by doing a funding feasibility study to ascertain potential support.
- Do a full inventory of the existing buildings and needed improvements to ascertain needed funds for campaign goals.
- As part of effective succession planning for administrative positions, evaluate and clarify current administrative structure and align with current and emerging needs.
- Evaluate current use of technology and upgrade where needed.
- Communicate fully and frequently with the school community as all plans are evolving.
Financial Sustainability
Assure robust school activities for the whole school community through effective financial management and sufficient financial resources:
- Build and execute a plan for full enrollment. Analyze the optimal balance of full pay and scholarship students to ensure economic diversity going forward.
- Explore possible earned revenue opportunities: i.e., programs for home-schooled students; service projects that are fee based.
- Maintain and build all existing funding relationships. Continue to diversify and expand the funding base.
- Visibility and marketing plan devised for enrollment increases and greater overall community awareness.
- Cultivate strong community relationships in support of ongoing stability and success of PUCS.