First Day of School: Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Small Classes and a Sense of Belonging

Because PUCS is a small school with an average of 14 students per class, there’s a place for everyone to shine. Many parents who send their children to PUCS feel that this is a place where people get them. The diverse student body enables sharing of multiple perspectives and life experiences while centering on a sense of community and purpose.

As a Christian school, PUCS incorporates the teachings of Christ to encourage our students to look outward and help lift those around them. We embrace a diverse set of views and ideologies as our students represent over 35 churches from the Greater Pittsburgh area and many of our students are children of pastors for local congregations.

We invite families to worship with us during our all-school Chapel each Wednesday morning. During that time we praise Jesus through song and messages from special guest speakers and members of the staff.

Our Foundational Beliefs

We know from the Scriptures and see in God’s world that all sides of our lives are interconnected with each other.  This understanding is the driving force behind the school’s formation and continuation and it serves as the foundation for our curriculum.  Building strong moral character and a sense of responsibility to community is an important part of our curriculum. We explore four roles every Christian has been given: ambassador; servant leader; bridge builder (love your neighbors); and peacemaker We believe:

Bible The Bible as the written Word of God is the Truth by which the Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding of God, ourselves and the world and the infallible authority by which He directs and governs all our activities, including the education of our children. Scripture shapes everything we do at PUCS. (II Timothy 3:16; Ephesians 6:4)

Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ, our living Lord, of whom the scriptures testify, has reconciled the world to God and redeems our life in its entirety through His life, death on the cross, and resurrection. Through His Spirit, He renews our heart to love God and our neighbor, and redirects our understanding to rightly know God, ourselves, and the world. (Romans 3:23;  John 3:16-17; II Corinthians 5:17)

Creation The universe and all things in it are the good work of the triune God in origin, gracious preservation and ultimate restoration; and since its purpose is the glorification of His name, then we can understand the world rightly only in its relation to God. (Psalm 24:1,2; Psalm 100:3)

Sin Sin is rebellion against God’s authority and that by sinning we have been estranged from our Creator, our neighbor, ourselves, and the rest of creation. We have become corrupt in heart and blind to the true meaning of life and therefore repress and misuse the knowledge of God which confronts us in creation and scripture. Consequently, we are wholly dependent upon God for our salvation.  (Genesis 3:16-19)

Christian School – The school, established and controlled by an association of Christian believers in accordance with legitimate standards and provisions, possesses the freedom to function in education in total and voluntary submission to Christ the King.

People All people are created in the image of God to enjoy covenantal fellowship with their Creator and to reflect in character and works the excellences of their Maker. True fulfillment is found in living under God’s commands, which lead us to exercise loving dominion, responsible stewardship, and faithful reconciliation. (Genesis 1:26-28)

ParentsGod has given parents the responsibility to nurture and educate their children. As the school is an extension of the home, parental support and involvement in school life is essential. Christian education established and maintained by an association of Christian parents and friends provides a God-centered education not provided elsewhere. (Proverbs 22:6)

Child – Children are by nature inquisitive and creative. They are entrusted by God to parents, and need loving nurture, careful guidance, correction, instruction, and focused exploration of the world as God’s creation. (Ephesians 6:4)

Teacher – The teacher, as a servant of God, exercises authority in assisting parents and the community in the education of children, and exemplifies a model that reflects Christ’s love and encourages each child’s own obedient response to God.

Community – God’s purpose for our lives is best known and understood in the context of a faithful community of believers. While the education of children is primarily the responsibility of the parents, all believers have an obligation to uphold education through their persistent prayer, faithful work, and generous support.

Purpose of Education – The purpose of Christian Education is to direct and guide our children to commit their hearts to Christ, to attain understanding and wisdom, and to joyfully perform competent and responsible service of the Lord in church, state, and society.

Curriculum – The integrity of all things under a sovereign Lord can be expressed in the interconnectedness of the academic disciplines, so that our God who created and sustains all things be made known. Our pedagogy and activities address children’s varied learning styles and provide concrete, purposeful, and real-life experiences.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.         

Proverbs 22:6