Individuals |
Our Anonymous Donors |
Shanda Hammond |
Robert O’Connor |
Jeff and Robin Acquafondata |
Gary Hancock |
Kenneth and Connie Olmstead |
Berit Aagaard Pace |
Marvette Hancock |
Rich and Pauline Olshefski |
Beverly Abajian |
Kathryn Hansen |
Teresa O’Neil |
Josh Abajian |
Roz Hare |
Esohe Osai |
George and Amanda Adams |
Julian Harris |
Bill and Joan Painter |
Jon and Kathy Adams |
Veronica Harris |
Sylvia Parham |
Renwick and Norma Adams |
Kelsey Hartland |
Amy Parks |
Mel Adams |
Sherry Hasty |
Tina Parmar |
Dean and Janet Adler |
Risa Hayashi |
Bruce and Vicky Parnell |
Jeffery Adler |
Brockton Hefflin |
James and Tracy Partridge |
Alaine Allen |
Ken and Gail Heffner |
Jenifer Pasma |
Dani Anderson |
Larry and An Heimann |
Darci Payne |
Maria Anderson |
John and Beth Heise |
Olivia Payne |
Kevin and Susan Antlitz |
Megan Heise |
Kendall and Jen Pelling |
Jo Ann Askey |
Monica Henderson |
Christopher Pentrack |
Jonathan and Mary Auxier |
Betsy Hendrickson |
Bill Perkins |
George and Kathie Aylwin |
John Henne |
Bryan and Sarah Perry |
Krista Aylwin |
Maureen Herbster |
Amanda Warner Perry |
Bruce and Kim Backensto |
Cynthia Herrington |
Doug and Melanie Peryea |
Tom and Judy Baldauff |
Barbara Higgins |
Lauren Pfeiffer |
David and Jennifer Baily |
Sara Hillegass |
Betsy Plietz |
Michael and Cari Baily |
Melanie and Jim Hommes |
Raymond and Nikki Porter |
Barry and Diane Balliet |
Ray and Sharon Hommes |
Jack Porter |
Kyle and Courtney Balliet |
Samuel Hong |
Marc and Lynn Portnoff |
Jo Balsley |
Constance Horton |
John and Kimberly Power |
Howard Barkan |
Rob Hosken |
Don and Barb Prevost |
Watson and Allison Barker |
Renee Howard |
Sean and Krista Purcell |
Laura Barrett |
Lisa Huber |
Paul and Jeanne Puskar |
Frances Barron |
Brigitte Huffman |
Kimberly Ramsier |
Joel Barron |
Andrew and Kelly Hughes |
Cindy Rancurello |
Julie Barry |
Chris Hughes |
Diane Randolph and Vanessa Randolph |
Tungalag Batsukh and Michelle King |
Kathryn Hughes |
Howard Randolph |
Carly Baum |
Loan Huynh |
Jonathan and Rhonda Ray |
Bayar Nyamsuren and Enkhlen Bayar |
Mark and Ashley Iddings |
Joshmin Ray and Kim Daelhousen |
Lou and Lorraine Beatty |
Mark Iddings Sr. |
Carrie Reale |
Kevin and Stephanie Bell |
Elizabeth Ifill |
Courtney Redfield |
Lisa Belloli |
Ruth Illsley |
Paul and Cheryl Reed |
Audrey Benamara |
Tom and Laura Irvin |
Wallace Reimer |
Dave and Barbara Bindewald |
John Irwin |
Jeremy Resnick |
Dave and Erin Bindewald |
Laura Irwin |
Jennifer Rick |
Erin Bindewald |
John Isherwood |
Rachelle Riemersma |
Anne Bindewald-Fuller |
Corinne James |
Paul and Lisa Roberts |
Jennifer Birdsell |
Jenna James |
Kate Rockenbach |
Kenneth and Barbara Blair |
Brian Janaszek and Jennifer Hemphill |
Chuck and Laura Rogan |
David and Barbara Blandino |
Jean Jasko |
Emily Rogan |
Gayle and Eual Blansett |
Jean O Jenkins |
Julie Rogan |
Mary Bodnar |
Ken and Heather Jennings |
Barbara Rogers |
Gretchen Bolen |
Kirk Johnson |
Rich Romanko |
Jennifer Bordone |
Maia Joiner |
Alice Ronk |
Chris and Jessica Bovard |
Mari Joiner |
Latrice Lashawn Rose |
Robert and Alice Bowers |
Pierce Joiner |
Charles Royes and Rachael Afolabi |
Marie Bowers |
Joseph and Amelia Jones |
Glenn and Suzie Salo |
Amy Boyd |
Joseph Parham and Ashley Jones |
Joshua and Megan Sateia |
Javone Brazil |
Janice Jones |
Michael and Ashley Savisky |
Dave and Barb Brewton |
Lynelle Jones |
Vivian Sbraccia |
Joshua and Erin Brim-Simpson |
Michael Jones |
Bonnie Schrenker |
Amy Briner |
Toya Jones |
Shirley Schuette |
Gilbert Brown |
Isaiah Jones-Lane |
Fallon Schultz |
Jennifer Brumer |
Lavaughn Jones-Lane |
Jason Schwartzman |
Amanda Bublinec |
Paula Kearney |
Kelly Shane |
Fiona Buck |
Jenna Kelly |
Ali Shapiro |
Quintin Bullock |
Tess Kenney |
Krystopher Shaw |
Frances Burkholder |
Wendy Kenney |
Tonya Shell |
Kevin Burns |
Rhian Kenny |
Terry and Nicole Shirk |
Donald and Joyce Butler |
Luke Kephart |
Julia Shorr |
Melissa Butler |
Lisa Kessler |
Kaylynn Siegrist |
Molor Buuch |
Cara Kiefer |
Ammon and Amy Simon |
Donald Buxton |
Jill King |
Bob Simonelli |
Kristie L Cameron |
Michelle King |
Rebecca Simpson |
Jill Campbell |
Carla Kirkland |
Jim and Doreen Skillen |
Mark and Charlene Canada |
Chris and Jessica Kissell |
Ron and Barb Smelser |
Nathaniel Canada |
Clarabelle Kissell |
Gregory and Christine Smith |
Mary Cardinal |
Patricia Kissell |
Mike and Rhonda Smith |
Chris & Caryn Carson |
William and Jessica Kissell |
Theodore and Deborah Smith |
Otis Carswell |
Kenneth Kloes |
Zachary and Allison Smith |
Dave and Sharon Carver |
Nancy Koerber |
Debra Smith |
Leonardo Casanova and Ariel Haughton |
Sharon Koerber |
Eileen Smith |
Benjamin Case |
Carol Kohn |
Joe and Karen Snyder |
Jennifer Cash Wade |
John Kokales |
Robert Snyder and Mary Beth Simon |
DJuan Chaffin |
Al and Marsha Kolbe |
Justin Snyder |
Edwin and Marie Chan |
Herb and Jean Kolbe |
Desiree Sowards |
Elizabeth Chapman |
John Korpiel |
Kathy Speirs |
Vicki Cherney |
Laurence and Kathy Kotys |
Doug and Joanne Spence |
Charlie and Marilyn Chislaghi |
Natalie Kreter |
David and Melanie Sprenkel |
Bellefield Church |
Jordan Kummer |
Scott and Caressa Spychala |
Lois Claerbaut |
Harry and Betty Kunze |
Krysia St Cyr |
Tamica Clark |
Scott and Sue Lammie |
Mary St Cyr |
Andrew Claudy |
Mike and Darci Langan |
Robin St Cyr |
Janet S Comanda |
Rod and Barb Lanser |
Helen Stafford |
Jennifer Conway |
Deborah Lanzo |
Amy Steffey |
Christopher Cooke |
Damia Law |
David Stehouwer and Jenna Vanden Brink |
Jim and Sandra Copeland |
Robert Law |
William Stern |
Daniel and Clare Cornell |
Mark Lay |
Mark and Karen Stevenson |
Ron and Bonnie Counseller |
Jason and Dana Lee |
John and Sharon Stewart |
Orlanda Covington |
Mark Leist |
Jeanine Stewart |
Kendre Crawford-Blue |
Miriam Levenson |
Tobie Stewart |
Matthieu and Christine Croce |
Mike Levin |
Arthur Stienstra |
Laurale Crofutt |
Constance Lewski |
Ari Stitzer and Ariana Davenport |
Megan Culig |
Ryan and Katie Lilkendey |
Samantha Stoltz |
The Cummings and Reich Family |
Joy Lim |
Jim and Leah Stout |
Annette Cummings |
Melissa Lindner |
John and Maria Stout |
Daniel Cummings |
Monica Logan |
Jim and Mari Stout |
Debbie Currie and Judy Collins |
Daymon and Alexandra Long |
Carole Stover |
Charles and Mary Jo Cwenar |
Emma Love |
Lechelle Stringa |
Karen Dalton |
Vicki Love |
Hank and Renee Suhr |
Heidi Danskin |
Jeff Lovett and Marit Aagaard |
Andy and Stacy Sutton |
Sarah Datt |
Margery Lynne Lovett |
Kathryn Sweeney |
Daniel and Nina Davenport |
Jeff and Fairlight Lower |
Shaquala Swinton |
Owen Davenport |
Barry and Janet Luokkala |
Sara Sylvester |
Susannah Davenport |
Glenn and Carol Lycans |
Kathryn Szabo |
Taylor Davenport |
Shirly Lyle |
Kevin and Betty Mae Tatman |
Nate Davis and Kim Fike |
Wells Lyman |
Nakhia Tatum |
Christopher Davis |
Amy Maczuzak |
Jessica Taylor |
Ellen Dawson |
Daniel Madia |
Rhonda Teggin |
Ann Dayes |
Mick and Beth Madison |
Shawna Templeton |
Drew Degentesh |
Lauren Maine |
Karl and Bea Thomas |
Angela Dencker |
Rebecca Manchester |
Terry and Natalie Thomas |
Harry Devine |
Fred and Faith Martin |
Jessica Thomas |
Lisa Diez |
Cheryl Pinto & Dan Martin |
Maria Thomas Burgwin |
Dennis and Kathleen Ditch |
Frances Marvel |
Amanda Thompson |
Peggar Dixon |
Tyler and Katherine Marwood |
Dione Thompson |
John and Lisa Dolan |
John Mason and Cynthia Petrakis Mason |
Dominique Thornhill |
Jamie Donne |
David Masters |
Karla Threadgill Byrd |
Terri Dorman |
Molly Matsik |
Christopher and Angela Tookes |
Michelle Douglas |
Ryan and Kristen Matteucci |
Cheryl Towers |
Tarra Dreher |
Cookie Matthews |
Fred and Linda Trendler |
Katherine E Drummond |
Robert Matthews |
Darlene Trower |
Tim and Shirley Dubeau |
Valerie Mazza |
Mary Martha Truschel |
Elinor Durkin |
Dennis and Stephanie McAlister |
Jade Tucker |
Terry and Chris Eckert |
Lloyd and Deb McCalla |
Janet Tune |
Jacob Eckert |
Jessica McCallum |
Jesse Twichell |
John and Carol Edgar |
Kristen McCarthy |
Ann Valdes |
William and Gretchen Edgar |
Laura McCarthy |
Don and Julie Vander Meulen |
Christin Edwards |
Jen McCaslin |
Jeff and Sarah VanderMolen |
Colombine Edwards |
Laurie McCauley |
Karen VanderVen |
Kensie Elliott |
Andy and Reena McCormick |
Charles VanGundy |
Carol Emmett |
Jule McDaniel |
Cynthia Vanholten-Dixon |
Ed Engler |
Michele McElderry |
Peter Veltman |
Mike Espejo |
Kent and Martha McElhattan |
Raymond F. Vennare |
Elizabeth Eveland |
James and Jennifer McGinley |
Joseph and Lynne Ventress |
David and Laura Farner |
Steve and Annan McGinley |
Wanda Ventress |
Monique Fields |
Maryl McGinley |
Robert and Marlene Vitko |
Kevin Fink |
Casey and Alison McGrath |
Andy and Dana Vitko |
Scott Finnessy |
Ruth McKinley |
Paul and Linda Vonbloch |
Thomas Fisher |
Michael McLaughlin |
Claudia Wagner |
Alexandra Fixler |
Katherine McNabb |
Todd and Charity Wahrenberger |
Margaret Fontenot |
Laura McNamara |
John and Cynthia Wallace |
Jeff and Paige Forster |
Tom and Janice McWhertor |
Shaun Walter |
Devin Francian |
David and Renee Meese |
Paul and Lois Ward |
Cameron and Heather Frank |
Lynne Mercadante |
Thomas Waseleski |
Anne Franks |
O’Dell and Marcia Merryman |
Dave and Kayleigh Waters |
Gary and Susana Franzen |
Carly Meyer |
Bob and Christy Wauzzinski |
Montell Frazier |
Raymond Mialki |
Aric Wauzzinski |
Shantell Frazier |
Robert and joann Mikula |
David and Danielle Weber |
Felicia Friedman |
Joann Mikula |
Dave and Ginger Weeber |
Thomas and Liza Fuller |
Inez K Miles |
Rick and Dorothy Wellock |
Anna Fuller |
Fred and Laurie Miller |
Ian and Christine Welsh |
Robert and Carol Gagnon |
Helen and Benjamin Miller |
Dan and Jan Wender |
Jennie Geisler |
Betty Miller |
Karen Wetzel |
Matt and Nina Gettemy |
Julia Miller |
Sara Wetzel |
Verrona Gibson |
Laura Minnich |
John and Mary White |
Jay and Cynthia Gilmer |
Shannon Mitchell |
Christopher White |
Alexander and Linda Glaros |
Karen Moberg |
Liz White |
Rebecca Glaser |
Peter and Judi Mollenkof |
Wallflower Frames/Rhonda White |
Kirsten Glinke |
Phil and Allie Mollenkof |
Lisa Wilcox |
Drew and Lynne Gordon |
Catherine Moody |
Sam and Sue Wilkey |
Adam and Gina Gordon |
Carl and Roxanne Morris |
Alvin Williams and Susan Williams |
Sonia Gotera |
Tim and Anne Elise Morris |
Phyllis Williams |
Janine Gould |
Dan Moss |
Shelley Williams |
Ian Gregory |
Cecelia Mostardi |
Gary and Laurel Willingham-McLain |
Amy Grella |
Janice Motley |
Jared Willson |
Brian and Kathryn Griffin |
Pamela Moton |
Edward and Sharon Willy |
Bill and Jeanne Griffith |
Heather Mount |
Jim and Patti Wilson |
Lillian Gritter |
Courtney Mullen |
Jeff and Sarah Winkler |
Fred and Cyndi Gropp |
John Murphy |
Gary Winkler |
Francois and Joy Guilleux |
Catherine Murray |
Paul Edward Winters |
Jean Guilleux |
Rebecca Musoba |
Kaitlyn Wittig Menguc |
Anna Hagan |
Blaine and Sue Myers |
Lynda Womack |
Taylor and Cami Haley |
Michael Myers |
Jason Wong |
Lisa Haley |
Sherri Nale |
Paul and Nancy Wood |
Andy and Hannah Halfhill |
Molly Nelsen |
David and Rebecca Woods |
Matthew Halfhill |
John and Kandy Newell |
Anna Woods |
David and Suzie Hall |
Rick Nicholson |
BJ and Katrina Woodworth |
Audrey Hall |
Gretchen Niswonger |
Amanda Woolner |
Teona Hall |
Beth Noble |
Mark and Mary Beth Wrigley |
Yalonda Hall |
Matt and Katie Noorbakhsh |
Mariah Yeager |
Willoweh Halling |
Yomi Obiri |
Michelle Young |
Christian and Shirley Hallstein |
Alice O’Brien-Botts |
Christina Yulfo |